Top Popular Tamil Baby Boy Names With Letter G With Meanings

Top Popular Tamil Baby Boy Names With Letter G With Meanings

Name Meaning
Gyaneshwarlord of knowledge
Gyandevlord of knowledge
Guruttamthe Greatest Teacher
Gurusharanrefuge at the guru
Guruduttgift of the guru
GurudattBestowed by a Guru
GurudasServant of the guru
Gurucharanthe feet of the Guru
Gurubachanthe voice of the Guru
Guru Teacher, master, priest
Gadhadharname of lord Vishnu
GadinLord Krishna
Gagan Sky, heaven
Gaganthe sky, heaven
GagandeepA lamp in the sky.
GaganvihariOne who stays in heaven
GagneshLord Shiva
Gajaadharwho can command an elephant
Gajananone with an elephant face ( Lord Ganesh)
GajananOne with elephant face
GajanandLord Ganesh
Gajbaahuwho has strength of an elephant
Gajdantelephant teeth, Ganesha
GajendraElephant king
Gajendraelephant king (Lord Airavat)
Gajendranathowner of Gajendra
Gajendranathowner of Gajendra (Lord Indra)
Gajkaranlike ears of elephant
Gajpati master of elephant, Ganesha
GajrupLord Ganesh
Guru master, teacher , one who shows the path
GursharanRefuge at the guru
GurpreetThe loved one of the Guru or God
Gurnamname of the guru
Gurmukh GurnamName of the guru
GurmeetFriend of the guru
GurmanHeart of Guru
GurjasFame of Lord
GurdeepLamp of the guru
GurdayalCompassionate guru
GurcharanFeet of the guru
Gurbachanpromise or words of the guru
GurbachanPromise of the guru
GuninaLord Of all virtues. Lord Ganesh
GunaSeelanMan of Virtues
Gunaratna Jewel of virtueJewel of virtue
GunalanMan of Virtues
Gajvadanname of Lord Ganesha
Gambheerdeep, serious
Ganakan astrologer
GanapatiLord Ganesh
GanarajLord of the clan
Gandhaaa sweet smelling
Gandharajking of scent , Sandal
Gandharvmaster in musicGandhi Sun
Gandharvamusicians of Gods
GandivaThe bow of Arjuna
GaneshSon of Lord Shiva
Ganeshson of Lord Shiva & Parwati , the elephant -headed God
Gangadattgift of the Ganges
Gangadhar one who wears Ganga (Lord Shiva), ocean
GangaduttGift of Ganga
GangeshLord Shiva
GangeshaLord of Ganga.
GangeyaSon of river Ganga
GaurisutaSon Of Gauri. Lord Ganesha
Gaurishankarpeak of the Himalayas
GaurishankarLord Shiva and Gauri ( Parvati )
GaurishLord Shiva
GaurinathLord Shiva
GaurinathHusband of Gauri ( Lord Shiva)
Gaurinandan son of Gauri (Lord Ganesh, Kartikeya )
Gaurinandanson of Gauri (Lord Ganesh)
Gaurikanthusband of Gauri ( Lord Shiva)
GaureshA Name of Lord Shiva.
Gaurav Honour, pride, respect
Gaurav honor, respect, pride
GaurangFair complexioned
Gatik Fast, Progressive
Garudthe king of birds, falcon
Gargname of a saint
GannonThe God of Silence
Gannaathan epithet of Shiva
Gangola precious
GautamLord Buddha
GayanSinging, The Sky
Ghanaanandhappy like cloud
Ghanapriyalover of clouds ( peacock )
Ghanashyamdark cloud, Lord Krishna
Ghanendralord of clouds (Lord Indra )
GhanshyamLord Krishna
GirdhariLord Krishna
Giridharone who holds ( lifts ) mountain (Lord Krishna)
GiridharOne who holds mountain
Girijanandanson of Girija (Lord Ganesh)
GirikLord Shiva
GirilalSon of mountain
GirindraLord Shiva
GirirajLord of mountain
GirirajLord of mountain ( Himalaya )
Gopichandname of a king
Gopiprotector of cows (female
GopeshLord Krishna
GopalLord Krishna, cow herd
GopalKrishna, cowherd
Gokula village near Mathura
GogulaLord Krishna
Gobhila Sanskrit scholar
GnanaVelanGod Murugan
GnanaVelGod Murugan
GitashriBhagavat Gita
Girvaanlanguage of God
GirivarLord Krishna
GirishGod of mountain (Lord Shiva)
Gorakh-naathsaint of Gorakh community
GirishGod of mountain
Gorakh-naathsaint of Gorakh community
Goswameemaster of cows
Govardhanname of a mountain in Gokul
Govindcowherd (Lord Krishna)
GovindaLord Krishna
GovindanGod Venkateswaran
Gudakeshathe archer Arjuna
GulalColour red
GulshanGarden of flowers
Gulzarilalname of Lord Krishna
GunaBestowed with Qualities
Gunaakaran ancient King
GunagyaKnower of Virtues
GunajaVirtuous maiden
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